ASU Student Garden

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Arkansas State University (ASU) Student Community Garden Project

MAREH is working with students from the college of agriculture and other students from the university to develop a sustainable Student Community Garden Club initiative.  Volunteers from ASU, MAREH, and the local community work to cultivate garden plots, raise plants from seeds, and plant seedlings to grow produce that will be used to help less fortunate individuals in the community.  Later when the the produce is harvested it will be given to needy families and individuals, and/or sold at the ASU Farmers Market to raise money to support the efforts of the Club, such as purchasing seeds and plants for next years garden. Besides volunteering for cultivating and planting activities, MAREH has donated seedlings for the project.

Jacob Holloway, a member of MAREH is president of the ASU Student Community Garden Club, and has been spearheading the initiative to help feed local families in need. Although helping feed the needy is important, it is not the only focus of this initiative.  The student garden is actually a train the trainer exercise that provides an opportunity for agricultural and other students to learn how to work in a sustainability environment and then travel to communities in need to implement sustainable agricultural initiatives where they are needed most.  For more information on the initiative or to learn how MAREH can help you organize a community garden initiative in your neighborhood, write to Jacob at


Spring planting at the ASU Student Community Garden.

Check Back for More Pictures as the Work goes on!







For More Information Contact: MERAH

Mission for the Applications of Renewable Energy for Humanity
1418 South Church Street, Jonesboro, AR 72401
Tel: 970-761-9220


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361 Southwest Drive, #153, Jonesboro, AR 72401

(870) 206-0160

Copyright © 2011 Mission for the Applications of Renewable Energy for Humanity
Last modified: October 25, 2011